Eleven Eleven Sculpture Space


Press Coverage Of The Exhibit

June 12, 2005 Opening announced in Washington Post Sunday Source
June 17, 2005

Lenny Campbello mentioned the show in his blog, DC Art News.

June 23, 2005 Knitter's Review recommends the show in its June 23 edition.
June 23, 2005

The Washington Post covered the show in the Style section.

June 28, 2005 The show is announced in WETA's Around Town coverage, in "Best Bets" by Janis Goodman.
July 11, 2005 Daina Taimina's hyperbolic space models (with photos!) are discussed in a New York Times article, "Professor Lets Her Fingers Do The Talking," which also mentions the show.
August 2005 The magazine American Style featured the show in its Datebook section.

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